Parent in Partnership
On behalf of Parents in Partnership (PIP), we extend a big welcome and our best wishes for a great first term to all new families. Who are the “PIP“? PIP is the St Finbarr’s Parent committee. We are a group of regular mums and dads, just like you, who have put up their hands to support the development of the school and the school community to help create the best possible experience for our kids. Like you, we all have other commitments (paid and unpaid), are time-poor and are not superheroes.
On that note, I would like to introduce you to Emma Bowes, our PIP Chairperson. She is the main link between the parent group and the school.
Ryan Shearer
What's On This Year
PIP meetings for Term 1 are:
Wednesday 28th February - 6pm
Wednesday 27th March - 6pm
All welcome to attend.
Meetings will be held in the school staff room. We know child minding can be hard, so you are welcome to bring your children along and they can play on the school grounds while the meeting occurs. We encourage parents to join the PIP in different capacities and below is a quick overview of the events we are looking to run this year:
Term 1 Welcome Back Bash
Term 2 Outdoor Movie Night @ the school Mothers Day breakfast
Term 3 Finnie's Fringe Festival & Father's Day breakfast
Term 4 Halloween Disco Christmas Carols
We will be looking for parents to coordinate and help at each event. If you have an interest in lending a hand at any of these events, please come to the meeting next week as we commence planning. If you cannot attend, please contact Emma or Ryan to register your interest. Communication The PIP has set up What's App groups per year to facilitate communication between the school and parents. Each year level has Class Parent Coordinators, who will relay important information via this channel.
Kindy Santosha Schuler
Year 1 Ryan Shearer
Year 2 Renee Lord Eve Keller
Year 3 Emma Bowes Bridget Sadler
Year 4 Emily Mascall
Year 5 Annabelle Cohen Steph Jaffray
Year 6 Tonya Unsworth
This year we have decided to avoid email as much as possible and leave that communication channel for the school. There are What's App Groups for each class level which you are invited to join.