Term 4 Week 10 Newsletter 2024
Principal's Message
Bishop Greg’s CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2024
For a brief time, each year our thoughts turn from the business and worry of life to a newborn child in a manger. In the silence of Christmas night, we hear the secret hopes of our hearts and rekindle the trust and gaze of our childhood. The past is gone, if only we could fashion our future from the joy of Christmas. This is a season of hope in which we are called to believe in goodness, truth and beauty.
Moreover, we are challenged to believe in ourselves and each other.
As we look at the crib we tend to identify with the baby. Curiously we do not associate with Mary or Joseph, and certainly not with the shepherds or the wise men. The baby Jesus carries our hopes, our fears and our future. He does not threaten us, we are not afraid of him. God comes into the world as a baby so that he can grow with us. We can also grow with God. Jesus shares each of our pains, difficulties and joys. In the baby, God and humankind are one. Jesus comes into the world to show us how to believe in ourselves and each other with confidence.
Take some time to pray. In prayer we are moved by Christmas. Suddenly joy becomes part of us, and we begin to see life with greater optimism and hope. This is the miracle of Christmas. May you be gifted with the spirit of Christmas.
With my prayers and wishes this Christmas and New year.
Bishop Greg Homeming OCD
Thank you School Leadership Team
I would like to acknowledge the support from our wonderful leadership team here at St Finbarr’s. Their trust, loyalty, expertise and genuine love for the children and the school makes such a difference and helps create the positive, fun and professional culture of our school. Thank you Lauren Magnus, Sonya Piccoli, Rachel Mitchel and Kathryn Nulley. Sadly we are losing Kathryn from the team in 2025 however she assures us she will be back in a casual teaching capacity from time to time. Thank you also to the whole staff who work as a united team to provide the very best care for our children. Thank you to all families who continue to support the school and help us build a strong community based on partnership and a shared vision. Blessings for the Christmas season and a relaxing, peaceful and safe New Year.

Step Up Day
Students met their teachers and classmates for 2025 today and joined in some fun activities to set themselves up for a successful start to 2025. As previously mentioned, a great deal of thought and planning goes into creating the class groups. Each teacher has their own strengths and individual style which helps create the wonderful positive and supportive culture we have here at St Finbarr’s. Please note that classes are not altered after today’s step up day. Thank you for supporting this process of class selection and encouraging your children to be optimistic about the new school year even if they are disappointed after not being with a best friend or favourite teacher.

Farewell Leaving Staff
It is with mixed emotions that we farewell a number of staff leaving St Finbarr's at the end of this school year Grateful that they have been a part of our story, sadness that they are leaving but excited for them and their next adventure.
- Mrs Harriet Hayhoe and Miss Amy MacGregor are both going on Maternity leave, we wish them all the very best as they welcome new additions to their families.
- Miss Lily Hamer and Miss Romana Lovric are both leaving us for new teaching positions. Lily has accpeted a position closer to home at Kings Christian College on the Gold Coast and Romana is heading back to Sydney and will be working at St Patricks Primary School in Sth Sydney.
- We farewell two of our Student Learning Support Staff members: Miss Sophie Venn, Miss Ella Clarke and Miss Mattaya O'Brien who are completing their Bachelor of Education Degrees and will be qualified teachers. We look forward to possibly seeing them around in a casual teaching role next year.
Canteen News
As mentioned in our previous newsletter, Kylie will be stepping down from her Canteen role this year. Kylie has done a superb job and has rebuilt the facility into a successful and popular service. Carrie Christensen, who has been helping Kylie this year, will be taking over the coordinating of the canteen for 2025. We thank Carrie for putting her hand up for the role. Carrie has her first ‘call out’ to families below:
We are excited to continue the canteen for 2025, it's a joy to serve all of our children. Please notify Buffy if you're able to lend a hand - even 30 minutes on the toasted sambos makes a huge difference! No need to commit weekly, any time you have is truly a huge help (and it's actually fun!). The Monday service is only reduced to pre-made items as we don't have enough help to offer the full menu. We will send out the Sign Up sheet early next year, but let us know if you'd like to be added to the Canteen What'sApp group for last minute call outs. Get in touch, we'd love to see you!

Surf Lessons
One of our Finnies Kindy Dads, Simon, is running surf lessons over the summer for kids of all ages and adults. Fully licensed and certified with board hire and wetsuit included. Give Simon a call or text on 0480 778 503.
Finalisation of 2024 school fees
Can I ask that any outstanding 2024 school fees be finalised by the end of this week, unless you are on a preapproved payment plan. If you need to discuss your school fees please contact Alison Mason in the front office.
Naturally Brave STEM Showcase
Please have a look at the video below to see the Makers Empire Naturally Brave, Byron Bay finals that was hosted by our school.
End of year images

Yours in Partnership,
Tim Bleakley - Principal
Learning and Teaching
What a busy year it has been! It only feels like yesterday that I was writing my first Newsletter for the year and now I am putting together the final one.
As a school we set a goal of creating a culture of continous learning and growth, where all students know what they are learning, why, how to be successful, where to go to for help and how to apply feedback. I am so proud to work with a dedicated team of teachers who have been committed to this goal throughout the year.
Each fortnight teachers work in teams to analyse student learning data, to inform the next teaching cycle. They adapt, pivot and take the learning in the direction the students require whilst in alignment with the syllabus. They make the learning visible in the classroom providing scaffolds, support and feedback to ensure each child has the opportunity to achieve and grow.
Here are some snippets from across the school year.

2025 Best Start & MAI Interviews
At the beginning of each year, before students commence their first day, teachers meet 1:1 with each child and complete a Mathematics Assessment Interview (Yrs 1-6) and a Best Start Interview (Kindy). Please book in a time on Compass for your child to meet with their teacher. See instructions below. Bookings are now live and open.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and break with your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Yours in Partnership,
Lauren Magnus
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Parish Bulletin
Please see below the Parish Bulletin for all Christmas services.
Yours in Partnership,
Mrs Sonya Piccoli
Assistant Principal Mission-Inclusion & Diversity
Parent Connect
Are you looking for a great family friendly way to see in the New Year?
Soul Street is a family-friendly, alcohol-free community event held in central Byron Bay on 31 December each year. This year’s event will take place in Jonson Street and Dening Park, and has live music, street performances, face painting, roving circus performances and lighting installations from 4pm through to midnight. Food trucks with fantastic food are available opposite the main stage in Dening Park. Central Byron Bay is an alcohol-free zone and police will be supporting a family friendly evening by the bay.
For further information visit https://www.byron.nsw.gov.au/Recreation-Culture/Events-Venues/Whats-On/Byron-Bay-Soul-Street-New-Years-Eve-2024